ToddRogue69 Rank: Mr. Fabulous

Joined: 25 Dec 2015 Posts: 438
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:38 pm Post subject: Hot or Not? PBB characters genderbended |
Just yesterday I had an idea for a little game and I call it “Hot or Not?” the category for this variation is PBB characters gender bended. Now all that you guys need to do is answer yes or no along with a little description of which characters would you find attractive gender bended and why. as always I’ll go first.
My answer is Yes, I think a few of them would be pretty sexy like Mary, Betty, Violet, and Red. William I’m not sure of, that image of William as a woman shown in Issue one kind of makes it hard for me to picture William as a proper female version of himself instead of a comedic representation. Simon wouldn’t be much to look at but Edelweiss sure would be handsome.
This would actually be interesting to see. Just imagine gender swapped versions of the PBB issues, I wonder if some of the different roles and situations would be turned around in such versions. I think I’ll try it out I will take the PBB cast and gender swap them, and I’ll have a side by side comparison of each character then present them on a new thread. But anyways what do you guys think? _________________ |